Things to avoid

Here are some things to avoid, so you can live a happy life.

  1. Involving yourself in drama
  2. Having unrealistic expectations
  3. Always saying yes
  4. Listening to public opinions
  5. Isolating yourself
  6. Comparing
  7. Passing judgement

Avoid all things that make you sad or that make you feel bad about yourself. Involving yourself in drama just makes your life stressful and unhappy. Try not to get involved in other peoples conflicts, just because you want to help. It will only make things worse. You don’t want to be sucked into all the bad energy. Focus on yourself and work on your problems. Don’t waste your time, making yourself worse. Expecting the best isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but when it turns out bad then it’s not so good. Your putting too much pressure on yourself to make the situation perfect. Things rarely end up the way you want them to. In the end you’ll just feel disappointed. Just go with the flow. Let things happen the way their supposed to. Even if it is bad, I promise something good will come out of it.

Always saying yes, will make you miserable. You will be pulled into things you don’t want to do. Saying no is okay. Say no to the things you don’t want to do. Either the person won’t care or they will get over it. Don’t get suck in the things you don’t want to do. If you don’t want to do it, you won’t perform as well. Listening to negative public opinions will destroy you. If people are saying negative things to you over social media, delete the app. It is so not worth getting hurt. Whatever negative stuff people are saying to you is not true. Do not believe the people who are jealous. You may not be for everyone, so go to the people you are made for. Isolating yourself will never make anything better. It will only make things worse. From personal experience, I have done this and I felt horrible and miserable for days. Isolating myself from my friends just leaves me alone and with no support. Don’t isolate people. They are there for support and to make you happy.

Comparing yourself to others is wrong. You may compare yourself to another in two ways. The first way is putting yourself down. Saying that that other person is better. I promise that no one is better than anyone. Everyone is equal in God’s eyes. His opinion is the only one that counts, not other people’s opinions. Judging other people is worse than comparing. Look at yourself in their shows. How would you feel if people judged you and made fun of you? You wouldn’t feel that great, would you? Treat others the way you want to be treated.


Things That Make Me Happy

Cherish the things that make you happy everyday. Even the little things that put a smile on your face. Here are some things that make me happy:

  1. My family
  2. My friends
  3. My pets
  4. Music
  5. Romantic movies
  6. Making others happy

My family was there for me at the start. I know they will never abandon me. My mom is so amazing. She helps me with everything. She is also the strict one. She is the tough one and the one whop always tells me the truth. My dad pampers me. Whenever I’m in a bad mood or I’m going through something hard, he comforts me and does what ever I ask him to. My friends are my backbone. Without them, I would be a mess. When I am going through something hard, they are always there for me. They make me laugh and when I cry, they make me happy.

I have owned two dogs in my life. I used to have a corgi named Toby. I currently own a mix named Lulu. Toby was my first and favorite dog. I slept with Toby every night and hung out with him everyday after school. He mean’t so much to me. he made me the happiest human on the earth. He was my little sunshine. I used to call him my fluffy or my nub. I called him nub because he had a nub for a tail. He was the cutest dog alive. He was my best friend and he was always there for me when no one else was. He saved me from everything that was going on in my life. I also have a puppy named Lulu. She’s the craziest puppy ever. When she was first born, she was abandoned on the side of a rode. My uncle, who is a priest, found her behind the his church. hen he gave her to us. It is such a blessing to have her, because my family was upset about Toby. Lulu made us happy again. Music also saved my life at all the bad times. Whatever I’m feeling, music makes me happy. I have different playlists in my phone depending on my mood. I can’t describe my love and passion for music. I am extremely in love with music. Without it, I would fall apart.

I am the biggest romantic anyone will ever meet. In movies or shows, I pick out the people that I want them to date or get married. I cry in romantic movies too. I have this image in my head of how I want my love life to turn out. When the couple gets together in the movie, it make me very happy. I just love, love. Also, I love making others happy. When people are sad, no one has a good time. I like to give a little just to make someone happy. I especially love doing Miracle League. It is an organization that lets people with disabilities of all ages play baseball. My job is to walk the bases with them and just to have fun.


Quotes to Make You Feel Better

Here are three quotes to make your day better.

  1. “To be happy, we must not be too concerned with others.” -Unknown
  2. “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” -Winnie the Pooh
  3. “We don’t meet people by accident. They are meant to cross our path for a reason.” -Unknown

The first quote is saying that you should not dwell on other people.You don’t always have to make other people happy. You can think about yourself too. Your not a horrible person, if you think about yourself. You need to care about yourself sometimes. Be happy with who you are, before you try and make other people happy. You can’t give happiness, if you don’t have it yourself. Don’t let anyone hold you back from your happiness. Believing in yourself will make it easier for you to care and be concerned about others.

The second quotes is saying that doing what you love will make you happy. You have to be happy to be successful. If your extremely successful in a business and unhappy, then there’s no point. Make sure what your doing, makes you happy. If you want to be successful in business, then make sure it’s fun and not boring. No one wants to do something boring for the rest of their lives. Also, you don’t want to get stuck in something you hate. Take the right path. Do something your truly passionate about.

The third quote is saying that everyone who is in your life, is there for a reason. Your family is there to love and cherish you. There are reasons why people come into our lives, big or small. There may be some people are in our lives who are there to make it difficult. They are here to test us. When a difficult person comes your life, know that it is test. There are also people who make our lives better. Cherish those people, because you never know how long they will be with you.


Goals/To-Do List

Make a to-do list to get yourself back up and running smoothly. Here are some daily habits to keep in mind.

  1. Wake up early
  2. Exercise
  3. Visualize the day ahead
  4. Smile
  5. Be active
  6. Make deadlines for yourself
  7. Spend time with loved ones
  8. Clean up a bit
  9. Go to bed at the right time.

The first three points should be done in the morning. Waking up early gives you time to relax, think, and plan before school or work. Work on yourself during this time by looks and mind. Exercising is really good for you. Make a goal for yourself to get up an run or conditioning drills. It will help your looks and it will make you feel better about yourself. Visualize your desires for the day ahead. It’s funny because sometimes they actually happen. They will also give  you a moment of happiness for what you want to happen.

Steps four, five, and six usually are used during the day. Smiling can do wonders for a person. Smiling will not only make you feel better, but it will make other people happy too. Smiles help you make conversations with other people. Smiles are the greatest gifts given to us. Being active keeps your mind off of what your stressing about. Staying busy not only helps you get things done, but it keeps your mind off of the bad things. If you don’t want to think about the bad things, then keep busy. All you will be thinking about is what your working on. Making deadlines for yourself will help you stay on top and will help you get things done for work or school. Also, try to get things done early, so you don’t have to stress about it being late.

The last three steps can and should be done in the evening, but they can also been done at any time during the day. You should always spend time with loved ones any chance you get. It is especially a good time in the evening to spend with them, because you aren’t at work and you have free time. Cleaning up your surroundings will help you stay organized. Also it will relieve stress of loosing things and of having to clean it later. Going to bed at a reasonable time is good for your health. It is will also help when you need to wake up early. This is because if you go to bed at the right time, you will get enough sleep the next day. It will make mornings easier.


Ways to Get Your Spark Back

Everyone has days where they feel like they just want to stop. The days when everything is going wrong and nothing is going your way. There are six ways to get your spark back.

  1. Write a love list
  2. Take a step back
  3. Do something unique
  4. Smile and laugh more
  5. Do what makes you happy
  6. Soak up the sun and think

The first way to get your spark back could be you writing a love list. Write everything you love. Appreciate them and know that they will always be with you. Be completely honest, cause no one else will see this list. Be limitless. This will remind you of what amazing things you have in your life. Second, you just have to take a step back from all the drama. Sometimes you can get overwhelmed. Just take a step back, relax, and breathe. Everything is going to be okay. Just think about what’s happening and think of a solution.

Doing something unique will take you out of your comfort zone. Do something you’ve never done before. Do something that you’ve always been scared to do. Let your true self come out of it’s shell. Smiling and laughing is my favorite thing to do. It just generally makes you feel better. Surround yourself with all the people or things that make you laugh and smile. Make sure your smiling and laughing is true and real. Faking it won’t help you make it. It’s okay if you walk up to a stranger and smile. They may think your weird or friendly. Try to shoot for both. You will get a good laugh out of it. You could also maybe try watching funny tv shows. This might not work the best, but it will make you feel good for a little while.

Doing what you love is pretty general. If you are doing things you don’t like, they won’t make you feel any better. By doing what you enjoy, I promise it will make you feel very happy in the moment. Trust me. Lastly, soak up the and think. It may be weird, but it’s very effective. Walk under a tree and sit down. Soak up the heat and I promise it will make you feel amazing. While your sitting under a tree, think about what’s going on in your life. Think of solutions and how you can avoid bad things. The heat from the sun will calm you and it might just take you stress away for awhile.



One thing we all should keep in mind is that no one will be perfect. This only counts in God’s eyes. We all have this image for ourselves that we need to be perfect. That we need to have the perfect hair, perfect make-up, perfect clothes, etc. The truth is that we do not need any of that. If your friend is a true friend then they will not leave you. They will not leave you for not having the best styles or not looking like a model. Those are the people you need to find. You need to find someone who loves all of your flaws and insecurities

The five truths to perfection are:

  1. You can never be perfect.
  2. Success doesn’t always happen right away.
  3. There will be things impossible for you.
  4. You cant expect perfection from your piers.
  5. Acceptance is the key

No one in the entire world is perfect, not one person has ever been perfect. You may think you need to be perfect to have friends or for people to love you, but that is not the case. You may have your flaws and insecurities, but there is someone out there or someone you have now, who loves everything about you. We all want to be successful. Sadly, it doesn’t always happen when we want it to. If we fail, we can learn from it and we can be successful later. We can’t get upset when we fail. We need to get back up and succeeded. All over the world there are things that we cannot do. There will be things that we won’t be able to do and we need to be fine with that. We need to accept that sometimes some people are going to be more talented. There will always be people who can do more stuff than you, but you need to focus on the things your goof at. Focus on what your talented in and what your best at. Make those talents stronger.

Never expect perfection from others. As I said, no one is perfect. No one will ever be perfect. Expecting perfection from others will hurt them and it will put pressure on them. They don’t deserve that. If you can’t expect perfection from yourself, then you can’t expect it from others. Just like you, the other person is trying to be perfect. If you expect it from them, then they will feel worse about themselves. They will get pressure to be something they’ve always wanted be. Let them be them and let you be you. It is okay to try get better at something, but it’s not okay to strive to be perfect. We have to let it go. We have to let go of the idea of being perfection. We are all human and we are perfect in God’s eyes. We need to accept that we cannot have everything or we can’t do everything.


Butterfly Project

The Butterfly Project is an organization that focuses on self esteem. I really love this idea because it may stop someone from hurting themselves and it makes them feel better about themselves. This project gives people motivation to keep going and to keep living their lives to the fullest. It is also a distraction from what may be going ion in that person’s life. It might not work for everyone, but it is worth a shoot.

The steps to the butterfly project are easy. The first step is when you feel like cutting, take a marker and draw a butterfly on your wrist. Next, name your butterfly after a loved one or someone who wants you to get better. Make sure to let the butterfly fade off naturally, do not scrub off. If you cut over a butterfly, then you killed it and along with all the other ones. When someone else draws one on your write, they are extra special. make sure you take good care of your butterflies.

Also, if you don’t cut, you can still draw a butterfly on your wrist to show your support. You can also draw a butterfly on someone you know cuts. Make you to spread this message to anyone you know who is hurting themselves. Everyone is precious and doesn’t deserve to get hurt. Make sure to draw you butterflies how ever you like. They are your butterflies and they love you.


Songs to Save Your Life

Music is everything to me. Without music, I would be sad all the time. If you love music as much as I do, you’re going to fall in love with these songs.

  1. Always Sing –Raelynn
  2. Don’t Stop Believing –Journey
  3. Beautiful -Christina Aguilera
  4. Born This Way –Lady Gaga
  5. Here Comes the Sun –The Beatles
  6. Skyscraper –Demi Lovato
  7. How to Save a Life –The Fray
  8. Just The Way You Are –Bruno Mars
  9. Keep Holding On -Avril Lavigne
  10. Let it Be –The Beatles
  11. Living on a Prayer –Bon Jovi
  12. Your Guardian Angel -The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
  13. Who Says –Selena Gomez
  14. Force of Nature –Bea Miller

These songs give me inspiration. They make me feel like I’m worth something. Some of these songs are classics that I used to listen to when I was younger. These classics always made me happy because some of them are upbeat silly songs and others are serious and genuine songs.  For example, the song Don’t Stop Believing is an upbeat silly song. It sends a good message and it’s a good song to dance to. The song Beautiful is one of my favorites. This song made me feel good about myself. It made me feel that no matter what people say, I am beautiful and unique in my own way.

The genuine classics are mainly from the Beatles in the list. The song Let is Be is about the Virgin Mary. I love how they weren’t afraid to make this beautiful song. When I was at challenge camp 2014, a monk who worked at the retreat center sang us that song to us. My friends and I were on the verge on tears. He had an amazing voice. He sang it with such love and passion. You could tell he had so much love for the Virgin Mary.

There are also modern songs on the list such as Force of Nature, Always Sing, Skyscraper, and Who Says. These songs tell me to keep fighting and to stay true to myself. I specially love the songs Always Sing and Who Says. The song Always Sing says no matter what happens, do what what you love. The song Who Says says no matter what people say, you are beautiful the way you are.