Things to avoid

Here are some things to avoid, so you can live a happy life.

  1. Involving yourself in drama
  2. Having unrealistic expectations
  3. Always saying yes
  4. Listening to public opinions
  5. Isolating yourself
  6. Comparing
  7. Passing judgement

Avoid all things that make you sad or that make you feel bad about yourself. Involving yourself in drama just makes your life stressful and unhappy. Try not to get involved in other peoples conflicts, just because you want to help. It will only make things worse. You don’t want to be sucked into all the bad energy. Focus on yourself and work on your problems. Don’t waste your time, making yourself worse. Expecting the best isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but when it turns out bad then it’s not so good. Your putting too much pressure on yourself to make the situation perfect. Things rarely end up the way you want them to. In the end you’ll just feel disappointed. Just go with the flow. Let things happen the way their supposed to. Even if it is bad, I promise something good will come out of it.

Always saying yes, will make you miserable. You will be pulled into things you don’t want to do. Saying no is okay. Say no to the things you don’t want to do. Either the person won’t care or they will get over it. Don’t get suck in the things you don’t want to do. If you don’t want to do it, you won’t perform as well. Listening to negative public opinions will destroy you. If people are saying negative things to you over social media, delete the app. It is so not worth getting hurt. Whatever negative stuff people are saying to you is not true. Do not believe the people who are jealous. You may not be for everyone, so go to the people you are made for. Isolating yourself will never make anything better. It will only make things worse. From personal experience, I have done this and I felt horrible and miserable for days. Isolating myself from my friends just leaves me alone and with no support. Don’t isolate people. They are there for support and to make you happy.

Comparing yourself to others is wrong. You may compare yourself to another in two ways. The first way is putting yourself down. Saying that that other person is better. I promise that no one is better than anyone. Everyone is equal in God’s eyes. His opinion is the only one that counts, not other people’s opinions. Judging other people is worse than comparing. Look at yourself in their shows. How would you feel if people judged you and made fun of you? You wouldn’t feel that great, would you? Treat others the way you want to be treated.


One comment

  1. maddieett · October 2, 2015

    This is really inspiring and amazing! I love this post! It was honestly sooooo helpful! ❤


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