Ways to Get Your Spark Back

Everyone has days where they feel like they just want to stop. The days when everything is going wrong and nothing is going your way. There are six ways to get your spark back.

  1. Write a love list
  2. Take a step back
  3. Do something unique
  4. Smile and laugh more
  5. Do what makes you happy
  6. Soak up the sun and think

The first way to get your spark back could be you writing a love list. Write everything you love. Appreciate them and know that they will always be with you. Be completely honest, cause no one else will see this list. Be limitless. This will remind you of what amazing things you have in your life. Second, you just have to take a step back from all the drama. Sometimes you can get overwhelmed. Just take a step back, relax, and breathe. Everything is going to be okay. Just think about what’s happening and think of a solution.

Doing something unique will take you out of your comfort zone. Do something you’ve never done before. Do something that you’ve always been scared to do. Let your true self come out of it’s shell. Smiling and laughing is my favorite thing to do. It just generally makes you feel better. Surround yourself with all the people or things that make you laugh and smile. Make sure your smiling and laughing is true and real. Faking it won’t help you make it. It’s okay if you walk up to a stranger and smile. They may think your weird or friendly. Try to shoot for both. You will get a good laugh out of it. You could also maybe try watching funny tv shows. This might not work the best, but it will make you feel good for a little while.

Doing what you love is pretty general. If you are doing things you don’t like, they won’t make you feel any better. By doing what you enjoy, I promise it will make you feel very happy in the moment. Trust me. Lastly, soak up the and think. It may be weird, but it’s very effective. Walk under a tree and sit down. Soak up the heat and I promise it will make you feel amazing. While your sitting under a tree, think about what’s going on in your life. Think of solutions and how you can avoid bad things. The heat from the sun will calm you and it might just take you stress away for awhile.




One comment

  1. mnevarez28 · October 2, 2015

    I really enjoyed reading your blog posts! You give great advice, and your personal stories add a nice touch! The next time I’m down, I’m going to remember this list 🙂


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